Monday, June 18, 2018

What This Blog Is Not


Its been awhile since I published anything online. Then, as now, I find myself with something to say and not a natural place to say it.  When I say it out loud it feels disjointed and repetitive. Maybe I can make some sense of things here, putting my thoughts in one place and not always feeling like I've left out something important that capsulizes my thoughts. That is what "New Post" is for!

To be clear....

This is NOT about suicidal musings. I have lived long enough to see many things flipped on their head and that is what this is about.  Republicans attack the F.B.I., and Democrats sound like J. Edgar Hoover reincarnated. Roles are reversed when it comes to local law enforcement and police shootings of unarmed suspects. THEN many Republicans turn to their "no questions asked" deference to law enforcement and many Democrats relocate their inner ACLU.

This is NOT saying I've lived long enough and there isn't anymore to see or learn. I hope I live much longer. Maybe I can see things circle around again.

Even though I am posting as "Politically Homeless" this is NOT an expression of personal unhappiness.  I am happy in marriage, life, and work. I am disturbed by the political direction of the country and the values of both parties as currently expressed by their leadership. Our politics suck but life is good!

I DO feel like we are in a strange place as a nation and a people. The inconsistency and hypocrisy I see is discouraging.  The Republican Party and the conservative movement have been taken over by a president with no moral bearings, no dignity, no compassion, only focused on "winning", inclusive of the racist "Alt Right", and a "nationalism" in which I see a dark side.  The Democrats can't decide if they want to be a party of the middle class, the party of identity politics, the Bernie movement, or something else. I don't see a vision for the country in what they say...only a dislike of Trump. That's not nearly enough. A Democratic candidate that would focus on "bread and butter" issues and unifying the country could be a powerful force. It is more likely that they will nominate someone just as divisive as Trump. For shame.

So for now I find myself with few voices to represent my beliefs in national politics. There are a few rays of sunshine that I will write about later.

I'll see where this goes. For now, you know what its not!

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